Saturday, August 21, 2010

Forge Your Own Path!

“CWiggles! A lowdown, shameless white boy
And when he comes for you
There is nothing you can do.
He spells trouble! You better run and hide, boy
You don't know if you want him to,
Here He Comes CW!"

--From my song “Here He Comes CW”

I’ve heard all the conventional wisdom. “Make money. Be successful. Get a good job.” And all the messages I see on TV about all the great material possessions that I'm supposed to have, all the people I'm supposed to be like, and all the things that are supposed to be good for me, and all the things that are supposed to be bad for me. Etc Etc.

And of course, I, like everyone else, am influenced to some degree (maybe a large degree) by my culture. From the clothes I wear to the movies I watch, from the news stories I read to what I eat, my life is shaped by the world around me. At the same time, as much as I can, I aim to be inner-directed. I intend to decide for myself what is good for me and what is not, and live accordingly. That's why I work hard to live by personal standards that matter to me, and in this, I maintain my own integrity with myself.

In my living example as an artist and human being, I don't mind interrupting the old notions, the conventional wisdom, the tried and true cliches passed from generation to generation. That's because I'm really interested in being true to myself. I'd like to pass a message to all people that what matters is creating your life to fit you. I believe this is the key to true happiness.

I believe that when you stop trying to gain approval from others and start approving of yourself, you start to become the source of what other people want to be. When you stop trying to get others to like you and start being someone others want to be like, you effortlessly start achieving the results you grabbed so desperately before to attain. Inner confidence, and the willingness to be directed by your inner wisdom, are qualities that great leaders and pioneers possess. These qualities are priceless in value. They are exhibited by people who forge ahead confidently and with faith in creating their own path, though it may sometimes seem strange or incomprehensible to others.

Here's to forging your own path!


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